Oh-so-ordinary-days are here


As it's been a while since I last time posted something about my everyday-life I decided to do it now. School started last week and I already have a hell load of stuff to do. The last IB-year has totally started now and I can feel it. So much homework, so many deadlines for different essays and other papers and ah - don't even get me started. And besides that all I still try to hang on my social life and get some sleep. It's gonna be one of a year! But don't get me wrong. I still do like my school, I still do enjoy IB and it's been the best choice I could have made two and half years ago.
But yeah. Last days I've been studying and a bit sick. I've had some kind of flue for two, three weeks now. Today I was staying home, as tomorrow it's time for a bootcamp! We're welcoming the newcomers of IB, it's gonna be fun!
Besides school stuff, I've seen my friends and relatives. The last couple of weeks of summer holidays I was more social than ever. I visited two of my aunties, as I was away for the whole summer and the other one of them left to England for a month. I spent time with my friends - with the group I visited Cyprus with, we had kind of a party of two days. Singing, dancing, talking, eating, drinking and well yeah, some sleep as well. That usual stuff, but oh boy it was fun! I got so many great people in my life because of that exchange, couldn't be happier.
I also spent  a weekend with two of my classmates and one of our "used-to-be-an-IB-student"-friends. It was time well spent as well! Last Friday me and Kira went to get her new bunny home. His/her name is Vodka, and I'm kind of a godmother for him! (And we still are not sure which sex s/he is... Anyhow we speak about Vodka as he.) The cutest little thing ever!
Long story short. I think that pretty much sums up the latest happenings. As said, today I spent home. It's so warm and sunny at the moment, I couldn't resist going reading outside for a while. Now I'm going to start studying again. A few months left and I'll be done with IB!

Aaaand one more thing. As it's officially autumn now because of school, here's a summary of my summer copied from my facebook:
See you soon!

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3 kommenttia

  1. Niin hyvännäköistä ruokaa ja kauniita kuvia!

  2. Musta on ihan mahtavaa et tyypit lähtee maailmalle ja kokee kaikkea hienoa (jos nyt oikein ymmärsin, että maailmalla olet reissannut :D)! Itse oon vasta nyt huomannut, että hei, kyllä mäkin voin lähteä ties minne ja saada uusia kokemuksia itsekin eikä mun tarvii vaan ihastella muiden kokemuksia! :) Vaikuttaa tosi kivalta sun blogi, kun tekstit on vain englanniksi niin minun kielipää ei tällä hetkelä pelaa ehkä niin hyvin kuin pitäisi, niin toisaalta myös suomeksi kirjoitettu teksti toisi sulle varmaan lisää lukijoita! :)


    1. Juu, tulihan sitä useammassa maassa kierrettyä! Enemmän olin kesän aikana Suomen rajojen ulko-, kuin sisäpuolella :D Jep, suosittelen matkustelemista, se oikeasti avartaa maailmankatsomusta ja antaa niin paljon :) Niin ja kiitoksia, suomeksikin kirjoittamista oon harkinnut, mut ei just nyt oo ajankohtaista. Kurkkailen sun blogiin!
