
Shopping and so on

This week went quickly. The fourth test-week of the year started on Wednesday with English, and Friday we spent with lab work of biology. On Thursday I had a day off and spent the leisure time by having a driving lesson and taking the theory exam. And I passed! One step closer to getting a driving license, in two weeks I'm having the driving test. Exciting!
And then to the shopping part. I do not usually buy anything that's hyped all around the internet, or anywhere. I'm kinda immune for those things. But this time I just couldn't keep myself from buying this lip balm from our local shop that sells all kind of natural stuff including foods and cosmetics. My version of Hurraw! is lime, it just smells so good, looks so nice and is organic and vegan. Not bad at all.
Then the second thing I spent money on, is that wonderful piece of art. Endless Forms Most Beautiful was published on Friday 27th and I was sure that I won't get it in my hands during the weekend. But then unexpected happened, I saw it in supermarket and I was sold. It's just so beautiful in every single way.
And last but not least I (or my mom) bought these jeans. They were 10 euros and as I've been missing a pair of just ordinary jeans I decided to take them. Let's see what I'm going to wear them with. I don't even remember when was the last time I had blue jeans!

Next week is filled with tests and school and two driving lessons on Monday. Hairdresser (last time a hairdresser cut and dyed my hair was 2012, if we don't count the last summer when grandma of my best friends did that) and time spent with a good friend. As well as my eighteenth birthday, wohoo!

Going to university?

Written 4.3.2015
I decided I want to write even more about my future plans, so universities seemed to be a great topic.
I really don't know yet, what I'm going to study. Many things are really interesting, but at the moment it feels like I'll most probably continue with something Business Management related. It's been easy and fun, I like the subject and I'm good at it. Why not to study something nice and simple?

The next question is where. My ultimate dream would be going to England. I just can't help but love that place and it would be awesome to study there. I know some of my friends are going to go there after IB and my cousin with her husband lives there. It would be quite easy to move there, as I'd already have people around me. And of course the language wouldn't be a problem at all and I know how do they live there. No enormous culture shock.
But the only huge obstacle is money. If you studied in England, it costs a lot. Tuition fees are extremely high. Of course there's totally free universities and cheap ones as well, but the education in those free places doesn't have so good reputation. In England, they have a great system of taking loan for studying and so on (you start paying back when you have enough incomes. If you never get enough incomes, you don't have to pay), but I wouldn't really like to take a loan of tens of thousands euros just to get my master's degree. I know that at some point I'm gonna buy a car and a house and so on, and that's the point where I'll be forced to take a loan. I don't wanna be hugely in dept before my  thirties - just because I went to university in England instead of free education in Finland, just to give an example.
So I'm left thinking, whether it would be the best decision to stay in Finland (I don't want to, but it could be a smart move - free and highly appreciated education) or just leave. My strongest options at the moment are Germany with low tuition fees, Scotland with free universities and Sweden with similar kind of system compared to Finland. Of course there's a whole load of other interesting countries in Europe (as it's where I wanna stay) with cheap and okay education, but I haven't really found out those options. I should. And I'm going to do so.

And the last question. When. I am going to apply universities in the end of this year and in the beginning of 2016, but I'm not really sure do I want to continue studying straight away. The thought about exploring the world for a year fascinates me a lot. Couch surfing, inter-railing, roadtrips, small budget and just being free. Let's see where I'm heading. Do I have money, do I have courage?
And hey, one more thing to mention. If I stay in Finland, I know for sure that I won't move to Helsinki. And as one of my requirements for my next location is possibilities to travel (= some big airport close enough to make cheap, over the weekend visits), Helsinki would be the best place to be in that sense. So Finland, I'm not canceling you out yet, but most probably it's not gonna be you due those facts mentioned above!

Would you like to read more this kind of "deeper" stuff? Is anyone of you interested in to hear my thoughts and opinions, or should I just stay with easy, everyday topics? 

Just another weekend

As it seems I haven't been posting about my everyday-life for a long time, I decided to change it today! I've been quite happy with those "Blogging from A to Z"-posts as they keep this blog going even though there's nothing happening in my life...
Jacket - Seppälä, Scarf - Secondhand
Handbag - Secondhand, Necklace - from Tallinn

I've been really truly busy, and if not busy then really exhausted. Driving school is going nicely, theory lessons are done for now and on next Thursday I'm going to do the test. Right now I feel pretty confident about that one, but still I need to spend some time practicing. Then I still have a few driving lessons left, my birthday is within two weeks and then I'll have to know how to drive a car.
School then. Today I've actually got things done, but other ways I've been suffering from a huge lack of motivation. I know that I should get things done, I know I should study more and I should try to keep up with my hobbies and stuff. But I'm just too lazy and don't work enough. I just really hope that I will get some more energy now, when the days are lighter and weathers are warmer. And it certainly gets easier when the whole thing with driving lessons is over.
But no more complaining! During this weekend I've been baking and having a good time with my family (besides actually calculating some math and doing BM IA). My boyfriend also visited us (long time no see. Though we see daily in school it seems that we both have so hectic lives that we're not able to manage to see each other outside the school), as well as my aunt.
With my mom we baked our very first macarons and it went pretty nicely. Next time we'll make the filling differently to make it mach with the colour of cookie part - this time we used just Nutella. And add bit more food coloring as they could be more clearly blue.
And I think it's time to say it out loud. I am going to visit Cyprus next summer, on July. It's been unsure how I can manage with all coming and going, but it seems like I can fit everything into my summer and it's gonna be epic. The trip there is a youth exchange project and there's around twenty of us in our group. In Cyprus there will be another bunch of youngsters to get to known with. And I'm pretty excited!

How's your life going?

Future plans

Written 7.1.2015
My future plans. My goals. My dreams. I've already I talked about my dreams. I really truly hope, that my future will be at least somehow related to them.
Short-term plans 
in a one and half a year from now on
My main short-term plan is to graduate from IB. To get nice diploma and grades I can be happy with. To write a good extended essay and do my CAS well enough. Besides this main goal I'm working with, I have other plans as well. One is to get some place to get some experience of the working life and besides the experience a bit money for myself. I'd like to as well find a better rhythm  with exercising and start getting towards the body I'd like to have.
Longer-term plans
in five years from now on
These plans are then more unclear. Anyhow, I'd like to live abroad in five years and have a place to continue my studies (most probably in English). I'd like to have a  rented apartment on my own or shared with a roommate, or my boyfriend depending on how life goes - pretty much no-one studying with me doesn't know where they're going after IB, so do not I or he. But the dormitory-life, that's something I don't want if I really don't have to. I want to have a temporary job besides studying. Something I at least somehow enjoy. I've been thinking that it would be great to work in a clothing store or in a cafe, or in a horse stable. 
Long-term plans
in ten years from now on
This part then is so far away that the plans are not yet real plans, just outlines of what the future could look like. I think that in ten years I want to have a nice profession and a job, that corresponds to my knowledge. As I have a job, I might have an own apartment or at least I'm planning to get one. At this point I should have enough money to travel a bit. I have no clue where I would live, back in Finland or in a totally new place - nobody knows - but I will (hopefully) be in a situation that I can have pets. A dog and a couple of cats, maybe a horse, probably something else as well. Nice, comfy life and probably the time to think about children and stuff - if I want to. 

 P.s. The pics are really loosely related to the topic and they're from the trip to England on 2013!

Everyday makeup

Written 18.1.2015 
So, today's topic is my everyday makeup. So I'm gonna show you the main steps and cosmetics I usually use. I like to do many variations of my makeup, but there's pretty much always the same base idea. 
 On the left; No makeup at all. On the right: BB-cream. concealer, powder and lip-balm.  
 On the left: Eyeliner, kohl pencil and mascara added. On the right: Lip-gloss and eyebrow pencil added.  

Products used:
Maybelline New York Dream Fresh BB (Light)
Lumene Color Correcting Concealer (Light/medium)
Lumene Touch Of Radiance Powder (1 Translucent)
Soap&Glory Face Powder Brush
Foundation/Concealer brush from Primark
The Body Shop 01 Eye Definer Shade: Black
Maybelline New York Master Precise Liquid Eyeliner
MaxFactor False Lash Effect (Black)
Labello Vitamin Shake Cranberry&Rasberry
Oriflame The One Power Shine Lipstick (Pink Dazzle)
Rimmel London Professional Eyebrow Pencil (001 Dark Brown)
To pick up my favourite products, I have to mention the lip-balm (gives a nice, natural color and does its job), eyeliner (my one and only since 2011) and BB-cream (just enough for my skin, as foundations are usually too heavy for my needs). And that's it!


Written 7.1.2015
I have a dream. -Martin Luther King

Even if my dreams weren't something like Martin Luther King's dreams were, I'd like to share them with you this time.

♦ I want to write a book
♦ I want to have a nice, super-modern house
♦ ...on a countryside so I could have a horse or two
♦ ...and a dog and couple of cats
♦ I want to visit every continent
♦ I want to travel the whole world
♦ I want to live abroad
♦ I want to study and get a profession that I love
♦ I want to get rich - every single way that it's possible
♦ I want to loose control and let the flow bring me somewhere
♦ I want to have a job that I love
♦ I want to make a difference
♦ I want to write a song
♦ I want to be free
♦ I want to live the life I love
♦ I want to be totally happy with myself, love myself
♦ I want to run to the blue ocean
♦ I want to learn at least a one more language fluently
♦ I want to be eighty, look back and be happy


We've been living March for a while already and I noticed that I haven't shared the pics from previous month. The phone is still the same old one, as I have been really lazy to take the "new" phone in use. Or probably it's because this one has been with me since 2012 and it's just so cute and small and nice and stuff... I shouldn't have this much emotions towards a phone, but anyways. 
In February I spent time in the stables. We had loads of fun in school and I learned some new about the Russian culture through Maslenitsa and came to a conclusion, that my friends in the dorm are really truly weird. (As an explanation; people that I'm talking about don't speak Finnish. They just know some random words such "saatana" or "Jumalan terve" and it's hilarious. Really. You should just hear them...)
I've spent time with The Hunger Games as it's the book we're going through in English at the moment. Also library and those huge books of literature have become familiar because of my EE.
I've been industrious with my driving school. I've drunk lot of coffee, tried to learn the theory parts and haven't still killed anyone. I actually use the breaks too hard - if I'm in a crossing and the one who's giving the way and I see an other car I literally jump on a pedal and stop the car too suddenly. That's my biggest problem - other ways I think I'm quite good driver.
And then I've enjoyed the first sunny days of the spring, made some tasty pizza and read some more.

So that was my dull and ordinary February. How was yours? 

lazy days are over

Hello you!

So, it's Sunday and tomorrow I should head to school again. I've spent my winter break doing nothing. Since the last time I posted what's going on, there hasn't happened pretty much anything. And that's great.
Quite often I find myself having too much to do - this time I decided to take it easy and just relax the whole week. I spent some time with my boyfriend, read, baked and cooked. The "pizzapie" I made one day was actually much tastier than I was expecting it to be.

As sometimes someone has been interested in recipes, here you go! The pie crust had 6dl of flours, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 100 grams of margarine and about 1dl of water. And just simply all mixed together at once. As fillings I had this and that including tomato pureé, onion, textured soy protein (the one that looks like minced meat) cooked with vegetable bouillon cube, pineapple, garlic flavored prawns and cheese.  + some seasoning. And it was delicious.
Today we ate some Chinese food with my family and I actually managed to do something as I found more about universities and studying abroad. Now I've gone through Finland, Sweden and Scotland and I'm getting desperate as there's so many places to go and so much to do in the world. I know that I'm pretty early on with these, but the fact is that I might be applying to some universities already in the end of this year and I don't wanna have a last-minute-panic...
But anyway, nothing else today. I'm happy and well rest, ready to go to school and start doing stuff again. My birthday and drivers license are getting closer - next test week as well. I have to start seriously studying again. See ya!

B is for best things

Written 20.2.2015
I wanted to list best things at the moment. I really am happy just right here, and this post is hopefully a small reminder of it for myself. 
♥ Dreams coming true - I'm more than excited about the next summer!
♥ Everything is going just fine with my hobbies.
♥ I have the most awesome people around me.
♥ It's time for the spring break. 
♥ I'm actually learning how to drive a car.
♥ My birthday is getting closer and closer, 18 in just a few weeks!
♥ I've had time to read - even though Leijapoika, Candide and The Hunger Games are for school...
♥ Élan is a fantastic piece of art, and more is coming soon.
So there's something, that I'm grateful of. Life is the best thing to have!

What makes you happy?

ps. Pics are from November 2013, when I was in Germany. I choose those, as I thought it would be nice to have something wintry here as the weather outside is everything else! 

The beginning of winter break


Christmas break, New Year, January, February... Time has flied and now it's March already. I started my winter break on last Friday and the weekend I spent mainly with horses.
On Saturday I had a showjumping  training and on Sunday we had a small competition. Both days were awesome and this kind of succeeding is a great reward of hard work. I just love my hobby, especially when everything goes as smoothly as lately. In the evening of Sunday's we drove to see my godmother and her husband, and they had a cutest little dog ever!
Monday was the first day I was able to sleep as long as I wanted - and still I got up at 7:30. So that's my holiday so far. Besides things mentioned above, I've been baking, reading and writing posts. I started cleaning my room as well, but it's still just half way done.
I'm gonna take it easy, try to do some school stuff - by the way, I got seven from English test (and that's the best grade in the IB marks) - and see some friends. And relax. Even though the time runs faster than ever, I really needed this break as I've been pretty exhausted.

Hopefully those of you that have your holidays now have a great time, and those who have continued with school already got loads of energy during their break!

Ask me!

Written 31.1.2015
It's time for a traditional Q&A. The stage is yours, all kind of questions are welcome related to pretty much anything in my life. I'll be answering to everything as long as there's nothing too personal or rude, you all know how to behave!

And as I know my readers are mainly Finns - it's possible to ask in Finnish as well. However I'll translate the questions in English and answer them in English. If you'd like to get your answer in Finnish, mention it in the comment!

/ Ja koska tiedän suurimman osan lukijoistani olevan suomalaisia, on kysyminen mahdollista myös Suomeksi. Käännän suomeksi tulleet kysymykset ja vastaan niihin englanniksi - jos kuitenkin haluaisit vastauksen suomeksi, mainitse siitä kommentissa ja saamasi pitää!

You have time to leave your questions for a couple of weeks - let's see when I have time to answer!