Blogging from A to Z: V is for vegetarianism


Written 4.6.2015
I don't know how many of you know that I'm a vegetarian. It's a thing that I mention sometimes, at least if it's needed and I'm okay with explaining the reasoning behind my choices. But it's not something that I'm actively telling to everyone. But this time I'm going to talk a bit about it.
So I've been some kind of vegetarian since the end of 2010 I guess. I was around thirteen when I decided that I won't eat meat anymore. And that's because it didn't really taste good anymore and I felt it was disgusting. So I left other meat than fish and poultry. And I was really strict with how my foods can be cooked and so on - I didn't want the meat to touch anything that I'm going to eat.

Then after a year, somewhere in 2011 I decided to stop eating poultry, even though chicken has always been one of my favourite foods. Then a few years passed by and here I still am. Nowadays I'm not too strict, I'm okay if my foods are cooked next to something that I don't eat. And I've tasted some special things that I know I most probably would love if I only was eating meat. So basically I could say that I eat meat once or twice a year - and the amount is less than one forkful. So yeah, I've been a vegetarian for a while.
But why? First I was disgusted  by meat. Then it pretty quickly changed so that I don't want to eat meat just because I'm against mass production of it. I don't think that any creature deserves to live in poor conditions without possibility to act as it naturally would. I don't want to support that kind of actions, I don't think it's right to breed animals just for food. Then in the other hand I don't see anything wrong in hunting or fishing or so. That's the way nature is working and it's okay. If I would start eating meat again I wouldn't see any problem in it if I ate e.g. moose that has been shot from the forest and I can assume that it has lived the way it should. 
And do I really think that I can make a difference? That's the thing that I hear a lot, "it doesn't matter what you're doing because you're only an individual". I know, if I'm the only one it doesn't really matter. But I bet there's lot more people than just me and the changes start from small. I don't say that everyone should stop eating meat, no. But I recommend everyone to think what kind of meat you want to eat and how often. Do I really have to get that animal into my plate everyday, or would it be okay to eat just veggies once a week? And do you want to buy the cheapest option, because it's quite often the worst option - less money you pay, less money is used to pay for the workers and less money is used to guarantee the wellbeing of the animals.
So here you go, a few of my thoughts related to the topic. These pics are just some random shots I took some time ago for the new banner - not really related to the topic but hopefully you can handle it... :D

Is any of you vegetarian, or vegan? Or have you considered becoming one?

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6 kommenttia

  1. Onko sulle tullu esim. anemiaa tai muita tämmösiä oireita kun lopetit lihansyönnin? Siskolla kuulemma oli tämmösiä joskus taannoin kun se alotti vegetarismin. Ja tuli tosta kasvatetusta lihasta mieleen että kyllähän nykyään melekein kaikki kalakin kasvatetaan aika pienissä altaissa =/ Ite en oo kasvissyöjä koska en ainakaan tähän hetkeen pystyis jättämään lihaa mutta ainakin oon aatteen kannattaja ja monesti yksin ollessa kokkailen kasvispitoisempia ruokia :)

    1. Mulla lihansyönnin lopettaminen ei oo oikeastaan koskaan aiheuttanut mitään. Yhden rautakuurin oon syönyt, kun varastorauta oli verikokeiden mukaan alhainen, vaikkei hemoglobiinikaan ollut laskenut anemian puolelle. Mut muutempa sit ei. Tiiän aika tarkkaan mitä pitää syödä ja kun ruokavalioon kuuluu kummiskin se kala (+ muina proteiinin ja raudan lähteinä esim. soijaa, kananmunaa ym) niin ei oo mitään ongelmia tullut :) Purkista syön vaan d-vitamiinia, jota nyt noin niinku "normiruokavaliolla" olevakin näillä leveusasteilla tarvihtee.

      Niin ja siitä kalasta sen verta vielä, et sekin on mahdollista valita niin, et sopii mun eettisiin näkemyksiin. Iso osa siitä kalasta, jota syön on nostettu naapurin verkoilla lähijärvistä ja kaupan hyllyltäkään ei mitä sattuu tartu mukaan. Esim. tonnikalaa syön tositosi harvoin ihan vaan sen takia, et se on käytännössä sukupuuton partaalla liikakalastuksen vuoksi :/

  2. Olen itse viimeaikoina ajatellut, että voisi vähän miettiä tuota lihan syömistä tarkemmin. Eniten ne eläinten olosuhteet siinä kiinnostaa. En usko että koskaan tulen lopettamaan lihan syömistä kokonaan, mutta tuli tän postauksen lukemisen jälkeen taas prosessoitua tätä lisää :) Pistin sulle liebster award -haasteen mun blogiin ja löydät sen täältä:

    1. Eihän sitä kokonaan tarvitsekaan lopettaa - jo se, että silloin tällöin jättää lihan pois ja ajattelee vähän minkälaista lihaa käyttää, jos sitä syö, auttaa paljon eteenpäin :) Käyn tsekkailemassa haasteen!

  3. I've been vegetarian for about 8 years now, I think? I was a little like you and quit eating it in stages, so it's hard to tell the exact time when I went from meat-eater to veggie. I'm strictly vegetarian so I don't eat fish or meat at all. I was vegan for a year, but then I traveled to Italy and, well, Italy and cheese.. I still try to eat mostly vegan, though, but I don't shy away from dairy. My husband is vegetarian as well which is pretty great!

    I like your blog :)

    1. Oh nice! It's great if your partner has the same diet with you - my boyfriend does eat meat, but for some reason has started eating more veggies since we met... :D And thanks a lot :)
