
home sweet home.

Long time no see! I' m finally back in Finland and sitting in my room. Our road from Woking to Kainuu was more than too long - it took us 22 hours to get here. And four hours of that were extra, because of Finland's really well working train system.. Now I had a moment to select a couple of pics and add them here. I'm gonna go to babysit my cousins children for the next week and when I'm finally able to spend home more than ~24 hours (the total amount of hours which I'm over here in this month...) I'm gonna tell you a lot more about my unforgettable July!

Täällä taas! Olen vihdoin takaisin Suomessa, omassa huoneessani. Kotimatka Wokingista tänne Kainuuseen vei enemmän aikaa kuin piti - 22 tuntia matkustamista. Matkaan kertyi neljä tuntia ylimääräistä, kiitos vr:n erittäin toimivalle junaverkolle. Nyt minulla oli hetki, jonka käytin valikoimalla pari kuvaa tänne. Ensi viikolla olen lapsenlikkana serkkuni lapsilla ja kun vihdoin olen kotona pidempään kuin vuorokauden (en oikeasti ole tässä kuussa ollut kuin ~24h kotosalla), aion pommittaa teitä kertomuksillani ikimuistoisesta heinäkuustani!

Throwback Thursday; Strasbourg 2013

When this post is coming out, I'm coming back home. I can promise that I'm gonna write so many posts about Norway and England! Hopefully you can handle it..

In the end of last November I left Finland and flew to the Munich with 23 other students from my school and couple of teachers. We spent in Germany few days and then went to the Strasbourg, France, by bus. I was there 1.-3.12, so the time wasn't too long.
The idea which I got about France was that people over there don't speak or don't want to speak English. Those who are willing to speak are really friendly and helpful, even if the language skills are not so strong. For example we tried to find macarons one night and run trough the center and in the end asked help. A one lady in some cafe was so kind, that she told us where to go, even draw a map for us.
Tuesday was the day to spent in the European Parliament. There were around 500 students from all different EU-countries and we had some discussions and got more familiar with whole EU-thing. The building was big and quite impressive, day there was of course an unique opportunity.
The country didn't get me so interested, it was okay, but not my favorite places. I'm still hoping to travel to Paris one day, because for European it's like a "have to see"-place. The "City of Love", I would like to see that. But other ways, I'm not interested to visit France again. Or probably I should go some another place, I know that my trip was only couple of days and I saw pretty much nothing. Probably third time tells the truth? Have to find out!

Throwback Thursday; Bulgaria 2006

Time for the second Throwback Thursday! Right now, when this post is coming out, I'm in England and having (hopefully) a great time. You'll hear more about that later, I wish a great holiday for all of you too!

But back to the business. So, today I'm gonna tell you a little bit about a trip of mine and my family to Bulgaria. I was 9 years old back then and it was my first (and so far last) real "beach holiday". We stayed for a week in Albena, which is all about tourism. Our hotel was nice, not the best one, but still amazing from my point of view. We also visited Sofia which is the capital of Bulgaria. I remember that the weather was quite okay, couple of days it was windy and raining, we weren't allowed to swim in the sea and roads were full of water. But then on the other hand, there was few great days and at least the pool of the hotel was always available. Here's couple of pics.
If haven't tell yet, there's my little sis :)

I liked Bulgaria, of course it was nice for the little girl to get somewhere warm with the sea and beaches and so on. But I enjoy more other types of holidays than laying in the beach.. It was also my second time in the airplane and my first longer flight - before I had flew only once inside Finland.

But yeah, that's it. See you soon!

Throwback Thursday; England 2013

Hey folk!

I decided immediately after creating this blog, that I'm gonna have "throwback Thursdays".  At least I have something to tell and share with you for a couple of months! And now when I'm not home, you have something to read. At the beginning I start with trips to abroad, first stop England, summer 2013.
We left Finland on 7th of July, me and my best friend Katti. This trip was the first one which I made "alone", no parents or anyone grown up looking after us during the flights and so on. My cousin has lived in England already a decade and the country has became quite familiar to me. This was my fourth time over there!

Out ten-days-trip included a lot of shopping in Woking (the town in which we stayed in my cousin's and her husbands place), couple days in London, visiting the New Forest and the coast. London and the most usual tourist places are already seen for me, but we made a little walk around there because it was Katti's first time in England. We also visited in The London Dungeon. 
There was an amazing weather trough our visit! It was so so hot, sun was shining almost all the time and it rained probably once and not even much. We spent few afternoons in a nice park in Woking and were able to swim in the sea. Felt almost like being in beach vacation in some freaking hot country!

I'm totally in love with England, there's just something which makes me feel like this is the place to be. I can't help but love those little, narrow and curvy countryside roads, London with all those millions of so different people and those small and cosy pubs with the nicest spirit ever.
After ten, wonderful days we flew back to Finland. We had a stop in the Stockholm Arlanda and that's not the one of my favorite airports.. But in the end, our trip was great and I got so many memories. Can't wait to get going with Katti again this July!

So, that's it. The first Throwback Thursday. See you later on!