Autumn break and other stuff
As you can see, I haven't been posting for a while. Again. However I decided to share a few thoughts with you today. So, as said, school still takes a lot of time. I just hope, that it will get easier by time and before Christmas I should have most of my written works done. Hopefully.
But yeah. I spent my autumn break by being lazy and babysitting my cousin's two daughters for the rest of the week. A week well spent I could say. Lately I've been also in the stables a lot compared to previous months. I had a break of almost a half a year from active training and last weekend I took part to show-jumping training and it was such fun!
The weather has been great lately - for me it's completely fine that we have +5 degrees here! I think it's the warmest November I remember and I like it. It's much nicer to cycle to school when you don't have to wear all the clothing you own. Despite the weather I listened to one of my favourite Christmas albums ever, Raskasta Joulua, for the first time this autumn. Two months left 2015, crazy!
These pics were taken a couple of weeks ago, but it still looks the same. Autumn, not winter. Now I'm gonna do some homework and then get some sleep. I'm having a some sort of flu, but I really have to go to school tomorrow. So hear you soon!
// En ole taaskaan ollut kovin ahkera postaamisen suhteen, mutta tänään päätin jakaa muutaman ajatuksen tännekin. Koulu vie aikaa ja toivon vaan, että alkaa vähitellen helpottamaan. Syysloman vietin lähinnä kotona laiskotellen, loppuviikosta kävin serkun tyttöjä vahtimassa. Viime aikoina on tullut myös heppailtua enemmän kuin pitkiin aikoihin, viime viikonloppuna kävin jopa estevalmennuksessa. Oli huisia!
Sää on ollut näilläkin leveysasteilla marraskuuksi varsin leppoisa, mutta kyllä mulle kelpaa. Kouluun pyöräily on paljon mukavampaa, kun mittari näyttää plussaa... Säästä huolimatta kuuntelin tänään ekaa kertaa joululauluja Raskasta Joulua -albumin merkeissä. Kaksi kuukautta jäljellä tätä vuotta!
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