Travelling with a best friend


Written 27.5.2015
I've been travelling a bit. And I've been travelling with different companions. I've traveled with my family, with part of my family, with different groups and with my best friend. Today I am about to talk about the last option; travelling with a best friend.
Russia 2012 
Our first trip together was a trip to Russia but it wasn't just two of us but a bigger group. The trip was awesome and weird and everything. And at some point after that trip we started talking about how nice it would be to travel somewhere together. And so we headed to England on summer 2013. We spent there about ten days and had great time. Last summer we decided to do something again, but just England didn't sound nice enough. So our first stop was Norway and the second stop was England. We spent abroad over three weeks. And if nothing else, these shared experiences have made us to grow even more closer.
Russia 2012 
With Katti we definitely are close friends. We can talk about pretty much anything, but we don't have to. Sometimes she just comes to visit us and sleeps in my bed while I'm surfing around the internet. Sometimes we just eat each others food or borrow clothes. I've been putting her wardrobe in order while she's been taking a shower. Pretty much like sisters. And that's why it was so easy to go abroad with her. And our interests and thoughts about how to travel match nicely.
England 2013 
England 2013 
My advise, for anyone wondering whether to go somewhere with a friend or not, would be that make sure you know each other. You don't have to be best of the best friends, but you should know basic things about how the other one is behaving in situations that you're likely to face. You should know how your sleeping and eating routines match together. And you really should be able to say it out loud if something is not good. Especially if your trip is going to be longer than just over a weekend.
England 2013 
I can tell that when you've been sharing every single moment with someone for almost two weeks (excluding bathroom-visits. Even though we shared also some of those and avoided paying more on those public toilets...) you may feel that you'd like to get some own time. And that's what we did. We got annoyed by each other and had some small arguing, Katti went outside and I stayed inside. In a half an hour we were totally fine again and in the evening we made sure that everything's okay between us.
England 2014 
And I think a few times we asked each other to stop doing something as it was annoying. Sometimes we just stayed quiet and did our own things or watched telly. So that we didn't really have to pay any attention to each other. And it's the key element of having good time together. How much I like her and how much I love her doesn't exclude the fact that she does get annoying time by time. And I can say for sure that she feels the same way about me. 
England 2013 
So, if you remember these main rules...
  1. Know each other. Know how much s/he needs sleep, when s/he likes to eat? How long showers  does s/he take?
  2. Talk about money. How expensive flights you will buy? Will you stay at hotel or hostel or is couchsurfing your choice? How do you share the foods and the costs?
  3. Talk about your feelings. Is s/he annoying you? Do you feel like you're not doing the things you'd like to do? Are your shoes rubbing? 
  4. Take some time just for yourself. You both can surely survive without another one for some time. Do you need a break of an hour or fifteen minutes? 
  5. Remember that you're creating life-lasting memories with someone awesome, in some new, beautiful place. Live in the moment. will have the most spectacular journey ever. It will be worth it, just saying!

Norway 2014 
England 2013 
We have had so many good laughs, we have faced so many hilarious situations that I can't even tell. We have sat in a balcony watching the sunset, we've been staying awake just because the thunderstorm was so powerful and amazing. We have had deep conversations. We've been walking extra 8 kilometers per day because we didn't want to pay for the bus, we've taken the wrong bus. We've slept in the airport, in a bus, in a shared bed, in a train. We've been sharing even a toilet, and decided that doing your things in a forest is the best option as the toilets are totally awful. We've been remembering those days together, going through thousands of photos taken and thinking that these are the moments we will remember once we're old and grey. And that's something, that really is valuable and worth of doing.

"Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer"
"If you don't know where to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take"
"Not all those who wander are lost"

Have you traveled with a friend? How was it? I'm interested in to hear your experiences!

Ps. This post is partly a reminder for myself of how amazing person I have in my life. But most important this is written for my best friend Katti. I know that we're not together this summer and I really am sorry that I missed your birthday. But I love you and I promise you with all of my heart that soon we'll be flying again ♥

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4 kommenttia

  1. Jonkun hyvän kaverin kanssa onkin parasta matkustaa! Toista kestää väsyneenä ja kiukkusenakin paremmin, kun tuntee toisensa:D Ja jos on kahdestaan, pystyy aika helposti päättämään mitä tehdään matkan aikana. On se kyllä parasta niin!

    1. Totta! Ja etenkin, kun just matkailutottumukset ja toiveet menee hyvin yksiin, niin ei tarvi edes sen suurempia kompromisseja ohjelman osalta tehdä :)

  2. Oot kyllä hyviä pointteja nistanu esiin! Ite tarviin tosi paljon omaa aikaa ja oon tän matkakumppaneille aina sanonu jo etukäteen. Väsähän nopeesti ja sit alan kiukuttelemaan :D Poikaystävän (ei asuta yhessä) kans justiin kävin Tallinnassa reissulla, se meni kyllä tosi kivasti. Ainut kränä synty ruokapaikkaa valitessa :D

    Ihania kuvia tässä postauksessa ja muutenkin sun blogissa :)

    1. Me oltiin poikaystävän kans kuukausi reissussa ja kyllähän mä sille pari kertaa hermostuin... :D Mut toisaalta mä nyt olen aika äkkipikainen muutenki :P Niin ja kiitosta!
