Going to university?


Written 4.3.2015
I decided I want to write even more about my future plans, so universities seemed to be a great topic.
I really don't know yet, what I'm going to study. Many things are really interesting, but at the moment it feels like I'll most probably continue with something Business Management related. It's been easy and fun, I like the subject and I'm good at it. Why not to study something nice and simple?

The next question is where. My ultimate dream would be going to England. I just can't help but love that place and it would be awesome to study there. I know some of my friends are going to go there after IB and my cousin with her husband lives there. It would be quite easy to move there, as I'd already have people around me. And of course the language wouldn't be a problem at all and I know how do they live there. No enormous culture shock.
But the only huge obstacle is money. If you studied in England, it costs a lot. Tuition fees are extremely high. Of course there's totally free universities and cheap ones as well, but the education in those free places doesn't have so good reputation. In England, they have a great system of taking loan for studying and so on (you start paying back when you have enough incomes. If you never get enough incomes, you don't have to pay), but I wouldn't really like to take a loan of tens of thousands euros just to get my master's degree. I know that at some point I'm gonna buy a car and a house and so on, and that's the point where I'll be forced to take a loan. I don't wanna be hugely in dept before my  thirties - just because I went to university in England instead of free education in Finland, just to give an example.
So I'm left thinking, whether it would be the best decision to stay in Finland (I don't want to, but it could be a smart move - free and highly appreciated education) or just leave. My strongest options at the moment are Germany with low tuition fees, Scotland with free universities and Sweden with similar kind of system compared to Finland. Of course there's a whole load of other interesting countries in Europe (as it's where I wanna stay) with cheap and okay education, but I haven't really found out those options. I should. And I'm going to do so.

And the last question. When. I am going to apply universities in the end of this year and in the beginning of 2016, but I'm not really sure do I want to continue studying straight away. The thought about exploring the world for a year fascinates me a lot. Couch surfing, inter-railing, roadtrips, small budget and just being free. Let's see where I'm heading. Do I have money, do I have courage?
And hey, one more thing to mention. If I stay in Finland, I know for sure that I won't move to Helsinki. And as one of my requirements for my next location is possibilities to travel (= some big airport close enough to make cheap, over the weekend visits), Helsinki would be the best place to be in that sense. So Finland, I'm not canceling you out yet, but most probably it's not gonna be you due those facts mentioned above!

Would you like to read more this kind of "deeper" stuff? Is anyone of you interested in to hear my thoughts and opinions, or should I just stay with easy, everyday topics? 

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10 kommenttia

  1. Wow, I have had same kind of thoughts in my head lately. Like where to go after high school and what to study and that kind of stuff. You're not only one with that England dream because that would be like dreams come true to me. But I don't know would I survise in some other country? I don't know. But I hope you get soe idea what to do! (And sorry about my bad English haha.)


    1. Yeah, England is that one and only for me - hopefully I'll have a chance to live there some day! And hey, your English isn't bad at all :D

  2. Kiva välillä lukea englanninkielisiä blogejaki :) Ja mulla on kans sama homma, että tekis mieli mennä just englantiin esim. opiskelemaan mut ko se on niin kallista tai sitten ihan asumaan :-D

    1. Kiva kuulla! Mut joo, mulla toi rakkaus Englantiin on kypsynyt jo monta vuotta, enkä vaan pääse siitä millään eroon :D

  3. Mukava lukea englanniksi! Itsekin kirjoittaisin, jos uskaltaisin :D Vaatii rohkeutta!

    1. Kyllä se alkuun tosiaan vaati rohkeutta ja vähän jänskätti, mut nykyään englanti on luontevampi kieli kirjotella kun suomi! Siitä vaan kokeilemaan jos siltä tuntuu - voihan sitä alottaa vaikka lyhyillä käännöksillä postauksen lopussa :)

  4. Kivaa lukea englanniksi toisinaan. Tosin enää tähän aikaan ei järki luista, että pystyisi ihan kääntämään kaikkea sanatarkkaan... :D

    Hei sä oot vielä nuori eikä sulla ole mitään kiirettä stressata opiskelupaikkojen suhteen. Mä itse täytän alle vuoden päästä 21v., enkä edelleenkään tiedä mikä musta tulee isona -ei ainakaan kirjanpitäjä eikä yhteisöpedagogi. Valmistun kuitenkin eka kirjanpitäjäksi vuoden päästä ja mulla on opintoja suoritettu jo yli puolet. Itse uskon siihen, että kyllä se elämä heittelee ja kaikille löytyy oma paikka. :)


    1. Heh, kiitti rohkasevista sanoista! Jotenkin mulla vaan on kamalat paineet päättää nyt heti et mitä mä teen ja mikä musta tulee isona ja näin päin pois... :D
